Camp Bar

Picture 094Surprisingly, our bar is the most frequented area of the camp. With that being said, I want to communicate how we operate it as well as what restrictions the BM organization places on us.

Serving Drinks
Being that our bar is private, we do not serve alcohol to the general burner population.  Doing so requires us to follow rules like any other bar in the default world where we have to verify identification.  We will have our own parties, but serve only to our friends.

Again, DO NOT serve alcohol to minors – if caught, you will be fined by law enforcement.

Camp dues will not be used to completely stock our bar, which means that we all pitch in with our own choice of alcohol.  Vodka, gin and tequila are the most used, so if you have some old Goldschlager that you want to get rid of, please don’t bring up as it probably won’t be consumed. Needless to say, bring whatever you want to contribute to the camp’s cocktail hours. Ice is also not covered by camp dues for 100% of the time and we encourage ice donations when you see low levels in the coolers.

We’ll have a couple of coolers behind the bar, one for ice and one beer.  We try to have a cooler full of beer ALL the TIME.  Please donate, folks will be very gracious as this is one item that we can never have enough of – however, please try to bring canned beer.  We have always discouraged glass bottles because glass breaks and is a nightmare to deal with.  Since 2015, more and more beer is only being bottled in glass; especially the better beers.  So, we are adjusting our can/glass guidelines:

Rule #1 – Good Beer

Rule #2 – Cans over Glass if possible

Rule #3 – Good Beer

We’ll provide coke/sprite, several bottles of lime juice, bar utensils, cutting board, etc.  We can always use tonic & soda, juices like cranberry, bloody mary mix, etc, so if you have a favorite drink and want to share, I’m sure there won’t be any complaints.

Lime and lemons will not last very long in the heat.  If you have some to donate, great – just don’t put them out if we already have a bowl of them.  Keep them in YOUR cooler and restock the bar when needed.  Lastly DO NOT BRING ANY WATERMELONS for exotic drinks.  We had one camper jam a bottle of Tequila into a watermelon hoping that it would soak up the alcohol….wrong!!  It was a giant mess.

Please, please, please – keep the bar cleaned up!  Take the initiative to empty the trash, wipe down the top, remove half consumed drinks – you know the drill after any party.  Our bar is a party almost 24/7, so please be considerate as we all like to use the Dome.  Be proud of our camp – it’s our home!

No smoking is allowed in the dome.  Not even herb!  Please respect this rule and ask others to do the same if someone fires up.

That pretty much covers it.